By: Ned Opdyke
Friday 8/5/11
8am - Honey and I, getting ready and packed for work, and then our trip to San Francisco immediately after.
4:45pm - My last tour group had a newlywed couple in it. A coincidence… I think knot.
Side note: I've been working as a tour guide at The Mystery Spot for the last three months, and I'm loving it! I've always wanted to be world famous, and this job is giving me that opportunity. Here is the current list of all the different Countries that my guests have told me they're from, that I've collected so far:
Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Germany, Somalia, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Russia, Moldova, Kahsakstan, Peru, Macedonia, Panama, Guatemala, Mexico, Holland, Japan, China, Philippines, Viet Nam, Taiwan, India, Iran, Columbia, Saudi Arabia, Nepal, England, Canada, Australia, France, Korea, Belarus, Ethiopia, Switzerland, Romania, Greece, Palestine, Israel, Austria, Portugal, Yugoslavia, Yemen, Syria, Laos, Lebanon, Sudan, Italy, Singapore, Malaysia, Argentina, Chili, Spain, Dubai, Bolivia, Pakistan, Cuba, Belgium, Eritrea, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Ukraine, 63 and counting…
I've always wanted to be able to stand up in front of people and make them laugh. Now, not only am I getting to do that, but I'm actually getting paid to do it. Not very much, but it's better than what I'd been earning for the previous several years… which is nothing. Yes, I'm one of the many general contractor casualties from the recent economic downturn.
7:15pm - Arrived at Sharon's home at ___ Baker St., in San Francisco. Country Mouse is in the City!
Sharon took to me to 'Alamo Square,' one of her favorite short-distance walking destinations, and the location of her sacred spot, a two foot by two foot square piece of ground that holds more than a little importance to her. She says there's something about that exact area of turf that gives her a very special feeling of peace and serenity.
The connection between Sharon and I has been mysteriously strong right from the very first moment we set eyes on each other, and so… half serious, and half jokingly… I asked her if I could try to find the area in the park that made her feel this way. After traversing the better part of the open area, I zeroed in on an area facing southwest. I stood for a while, and studied the terrain and the views of the City, and then walked about 25 feet, directly to a spot that was drawing my attention for some unknown reason. I turned back towards Sharon and asked her, "Am I close?"
She looked at me incredulously and said in a calm, yet slightly quivering voice, "You're standing exactly on it."
Here's a view from her rooftop, where you can see part of Alamo Square.
We cuddled on the couch and watched "The Iron Giant" on her TV, and then nestled ourselves into her pint sized bed for a night of semi-sleep.
Saturday 8/6/11
6am - I'm up and at 'em. Sharon… not so much. She's been a night owl and therefore a late riser for the last several years. I plan to do my best to adjust my sleeping pattern as much as possible, and she's indicated she's planning to do the same. I'm confident we'll find a happy medium. So far, our sleeping pattern/ habits seem to be the biggest issue to resolve. In fact, I think it's the ONLY issue we've found so far that needs any type of adjustment whatsoever. It's almost spooky how similar we seem to be in so many of our preferences and personality traits.
7am - I took a few pictures of her home… these small placards were hiding behind a breadboard that was hanging on the side of her refrigerator. Things people put on their fridge speak volumes.
Sharon has personality, there is no fucking doubt about that. She's a high-class lady, hiding behind a rambunctious, rowdy, bawdy, full of life woman. Or is it the other way around?
9am - Off and away. Our first adventure ride together… her first adventure ride period… and my first adventure ride with someone else sitting on Honey behind me. The first picture was taken on her sidewalk outside her apartment, the second one at our first stop in Livermore… as the temperature was starting to rise.
We took a wrong turn leaving Livermore, but it turned out to be a very nice sidetrack, which allowed us to watch a model airplane dog-fight between a WWI Bi-plane and a WWII P-52.
1pm - After going due east, across the Central Valley, we turned south at Angels Camp, on one of my favorite highways in California, #49. One of these days I'm gonna do the entire length of that highway, from Oakhurst just south-east of Fresno, to Vinton just north-west of Reno. The Sierra Nevada Mountains are sacred to me, similar perhaps to Sharon's spot in SF, but encompassing a slightly larger land-mass.
While we were stripping off a few more layers of clothing in the warm mountain air, Sharon mentioned that her ex-husband might be in town, getting set up for a music presentation. He works as a promoter of some kind, for different groups, and was in charge of putting together a 'festival' right there in Angels Camp the following weekend. We rode out to the Fairgrounds, but we found it deserted, so Ron will have to wait to see Biker Babe - Lady Sharon another time.
Unless he reads this story however… J
As we were leaving Angels Camp, I FINALLY saw another biker giving me "MY" wave. For you non-bikers out there… it's common for members of our 'brotherhood' to put our hands out as an acknowledgment of camaraderie as we pass each other going in opposite directions. About two or maybe three years ago, I started using a distinctive gesture as my 'signature wave.' Up until the moment we were leaving Angels Camp… I had NEVER seen anyone else use it. The excitement I felt, and am now trying to describe is a perfect example of one aspect of my personality. "Simple things for simple people." And/ or… "Yes, I am very easily amused."

3pm - Groveland. Joe, the civil engineer waiter took our order and served us our burgers at "The Iron Door," the oldest continually operated saloon in California. This summer marked the 107th consecutive year that this establishment has been open for business. That's every single day of every week, of every year, for one hundred and seven years. That's (about) 37,664 days in a row. It kinda puts Cal Ripken's record to shame, don't-chya think? ;-).
4pm - Sharon's first visit to Rainbow Pool. I've been enjoying this swimming hole, on the South Fork of The Tuolumne River, for 41 years now, but watching Sharon jump off the rock ledge visible behind us in this picture is one of the highlights.
The pictures below where taken about six years apart, and were (obviously) not planned. Interesting isn't it… how similar we are…
5pm - A leisurely and peacefully quiet swim in the lake at the end of a private dirt road, where we stayed at a friend's home about one hour from the entrance to Yosemite. They should make that place a National Park or something. It has lots of trees, and mountains, and waterfalls, and other really pretty stuff.
9pm - In bed before dark; sound asleep not long after that. Tomorrow was gonna be a big day.
Sunday 8/7/11
6am - Ned up. 7am - Sharon up. 8am - Food. 8:30am - Off and Away.
9am - First time for Sharon in Yosemite. How could someone live in San Francisco for over 20 years, and NOT visit the most beautiful place in the world? I didn't have to ask her… she told me before I had the chance… she said she was waiting to go there with me. Ah… doesn't it just melt your heart? It doesn't matter if it does or not, it sure melts mine.
10:30am - I wasn't positive exactly where or when I was going to ask her, but I was fairly sure it was going to be at "Tunnel View." She had absolutely no idea it was coming, and was caught totally off-guard.
The best part (at least for me) was when she said, "YES!"
Noon - Glacier Point. We picked a perfect weekend; the weather was gorgeous, and there was more water in the falls (Vernal and Nevada in picture below) than at any other time in history, for this date.
Both of us were pretty much in shock, good thing we have pictures to remind us what we saw.
2pm - We had a picnic lunch in Crane Flat, and then decided to forgo the ride up to the High Country for another trip. We decided to go to another swimming hole instead.
4pm - This is me taking the leap at Diana Falls. Pretty appropriate, I'd say. As funny as this may sound, asking Sharon to marry me was very similar to making this jump… they were both as easy as falling off a rock!
6pm - Quiet conversation with my old friend and Sharon's new friend Ambria, and a nice meal.
10pm - My fiance treated me to an exquisite full body massage. I was already happy, even before she got to the end.
Monday 8/8/11
7am - Both of us actually got out of bed at the same time! That's another first!
9am - Breakfast in downtown Greeley Hill.
Noon - Ice cream in Escalona.
2:30pm - Back home to Baker Street.
4~9pm - Cuddling with Sharon and peanut M&M's (see:
10pm - Retired to her miniature bed for another restful night of semi-sleep.
Tuesday 8/9/11
6am - Ned is up and at 'em. One quick cup of coffee, and was on the road by 6:30.
7am - I stopped north of Los Altos Hills, to put on my sunglasses as I was coming out of the fog, and parked in front of a couple signs. Literally and figuratively.
10am - Home, unpacked, freshened up, dressed and off to work! What a weekend!
775 miles for me and Honey, and 605 for Sharon's first adventure ride. Oh, by the way... she did great. She was born to be my motorcycle mama.
Here's a picture of the Lake at Tokosaben, the place we stayed at near Yosemite. Can't you just hear the silence?!
… I bet you thought I'd forgotten about the 'one last' part of my story… It was my proposal.