About the Author
Ned Opdyke
As with all my stories, this one is primarily for me. As I grow older than I ever dreamed I'd be, I've begun to realize that if I don't make an effort to document the important things about me… some of my thoughts… and some of the things that I believe are important about me, that there is a very good chance that after the people that have had the opportunity to get to know me are gone, so will I be.
I am the third generation in my family to be a residential general contractor. I have done nothing else in my life as a source of income. I always wished I could figure out how to make money off my charm and good looks, but alas… my innate sincerity has always kept me from being able to take advantage of people. As with the em-pathetic abilities I got from mother, I call it a blessing and a curse. I have always been very grateful of my parents for instilling a foundation of respect in me. I don't always make it obvious, but I really do care about people.
When I was a child, I decided I wanted to be different from everyone else. Something inside me told me that I was special. Most likely it was (and still is) my ego fighting back my human insecurities and self-doubts. Whatever the reason, it is my wish to be remembered. Mostly the good parts of me, but I also want to be remembered for all the different aspects of my personality. The good, the bad, and the ugly, as they say.
This story is written basically as a first draft, and as such, there will be rambling sentences, bad grammar, way too many commas, quotation marks, parenthesis, and past-present-future tenses all jumbled together, into the same paragraph, and sometimes even in the same sentence. I write as I speak… open mouth, insert foot. Usually I don't know what I'm gonna say, until after I hear myself say it.
My father loved road trips, and so do I. Work has finally come back my way, after having been almost non-existent the precious several years, and I have now settled into the Austin Texas area, which is still growing, and is not quite as ugly as the way most people think of Texas… at least the way most of the people who have lived in the Santa Cruz area think of Texas.
I love to ride my motorcycle, and 'Honey' loves the way I ride her.
After all she is a girl and I am a man.
Copyright: 6/3/10 all writes (and wrongs) reserved
Saturday, 7am - Today marks the beginning of my 2nd week here in Killeen. The city is here because of Fort Hood, the largest Army Base in the United States, and inhabits over 120,000 residents, but has the feel of a 'small country town' to it… at least to me… at least so far.
The people I've met, mostly subcontractors and suppliers are very nice, and except for one or two of them, speak with little or no 'drawl'. Because the city is built around the Army Base, there are people from all over the Country living here, and it seems to have the diversity that I crave and relish.
In fact… shortly before I left Santa Cruz, I saw a guy walking around the 'Pacific Avenue Garden Mall', wearing a tie-dye t-shirt that read, "Keep Austin Weird." I'm happy and somewhat amazed at what the Universe has provided for me. Moving 1,810 (driving) miles, and finding a 'sister-city,' out here in south-eastern-central Texas. I'd heard from many people, that the Austin area is unlike the rest of Texas… an oasis of sanity (or insanity, depending on your opinion) in a desert of red-necked conservatism. Don't get me wrong… I love Texas… all of it. Even this example of two businesses; a roller-skating rink and a gun shop, directly across the parking lot from each other… strike me more as 'interesting and diverse,' than 'backwoods and hillbilly.'

I'm hoping that Wil, my boss, and I are gonna be able to develop a compatible working relationship, but so far, all he's done is give me reasons to be concerned. He tells me he trusts me, but he's only doling out the required information and authority in very small amounts. He tells me he wants me to run all aspects of the construction of our projects, but here is an example of one of the 'problems' I'm having with him:
Under his direction, the lumber company called him to tell him that when our first delivery had been made, there was someone on the jobsite telling the driver to deliver the material to a different lot. They didn't tell him that the driver also saw the guy take some materials as he was driving away. I found out about that when I spoke with the driver myself.
So… I get a call from Wil at 7:15am, and his voice is barely intelligible. He's scareaming at me. It took me a few hours to track down what had happened, and during this time, he refused to speak with me about any other topic. He totally tied my hands as far as being willing to give me the needed information, so that I could keep the job moving smoothly and efficiently.
Even after I found out what happened, he was still unable to communicate with me. I wanted to tell him (and still do) that I'm concerned that if he looses his ability to stay calm and rational over the fact that it was one of OUR subs who 'borrowed' four rolls of tie-wire for another of his jobs; and was going to replace it before he started our job later that day; and that he incorrectly thought that the delivery was for him (he was waiting for 'his' material for the other job).
I was (and still am) concerned how he might react when something more serious happens. Construction projects are inherently chaotic and ever changing. I understand he's a 'bottom-line' kinda guy, but the stress level he inflicted on me over something so insignificant, is not giving me a warm and fuzzy feeling.
And I've heard from several (3 or 4 so far) that he is not to be trusted when it comes to money, and that he makes promises that he doesn't hold up to. I always give people a fair chance to prove or disprove themselves with me, directly, but...
Originally, I told him I'd be ok with getting paid once a month, but now I've decided to change that to weekly. I've already allowed him to revise his promise to give me a $50/ week raise, until after the end of my first month. It's going to be interesting to see what happens in two weeks…
On a good note, I'm confident that there is enough construction out here, that I'll be able to find a good job if it doesn't work out with Wil, and even more exciting (on a personal note)... I'm only two weeks away from buying my airfare back to Santa Cruz, to bring Honey out to me. We should be in our loving arms and handlebars in just over a month. Oh, how I do miss her.
Tuesday, 5am - About 12 hours ago I verified a couple things about Wil. I cannot believe him… about what he tells me, or what he doesn't tell me. Turns out HE was the one who took down my sign at the jobsite. He'd given me his ok to put it up, but when he saw it, he changed his mind, 'cuz it didn't say anything about him or his company. So instead of calling me and asking me to take it down, he ripped the screws out of it as he pulled it down.
This only increases my discouragement about what type of a person he is. It's not that he changed his mind and wanted the sign down until he could get his up… it's that he did it in a destructive way, and then… didn't say anything to me about it.
The bigger issue is that he lied to me about the construction loan closing. It didn't. Later, he said he didn't pay attention to the bank, when they told him not begin construction until after the closing date, and he'd planned to use 'his own money' until the bank's money was available. Well… the bank was notified by the title company, which had been notified by the City of Killeen Building Department. Then the bank called Wil and told him that if he continued the work on the project, they would withdraw all of their (allegedly promised) funds. So the job is shut down for 'one week'... so he says.
I'm gonna speak with Wil, and express my concerns, and tell him that if he cannot be more attentive about the 'paperwork' and more importantly... honest with me… we do not have a chance of developing a relationship.
On the bright side, I'm leaving for Santa Cruz in a few hours to bring Honey home! I wasn't scheduled to leave until the project reached the drywall stage, but since he still doesn't have the plans for our next project to bid, there's nothing for me to do, so… YEA!!!... Honey and I will be together again this evening, and so this story will turn out to be an motorcycle adventure story after-all! And more.
8am - While I was working out at my gym this morning, I thought of something else I wanted to say before leaving my new home in Texas, for my old home in California: I've told G, over and over, about how much she has added to my life. The things she's given me are priceless. I told her I'd lost seven pounds since I got here, but what I didn't tell her is that it was probably more like fifteen… of fat… with an estimated gain of about five pounds of muscle and a pound each of self confidence, self assurance, and happiness.
My belt buckle is down to it's second smallest hole, which makes my waist smaller than it's been in about two or three years. Good thing I don't weigh my ego… I'd weigh MORE than when I came out here if I did. I try to keep my ego as close to zero as humanly possible, but that's not easy for someone as handsome and as charming as someone like me.
Seriously though… what I'm honestly trying to say is… "THANK YOU G, for helping me along my path of spiritual evolution, I am a much better person than I was before I met you, and what's even more exciting, is that I'm finally interested in trying harder to become an even better example of what Sugmad (God/ Higher Power) wants from all of us."
My flights from Austin to El Paso to Phoenix to San Jose were smooth and passed quickly. I had a couple conversations with my 'seat partners', but mostly I was contemplating about my past, present and future life.
Wednesday, 4am - I awoke with G next to me, and although we both new it would be emotionally painful… we decided to make sweet love… which could easily turn out be the last time for us.
6am - I decided not to go the gym, and instead 'played' with my email and Live Journal friends. G's schedule and mine never did match up. She told me many times, that she had been wanting to re-set her clock, so she could get to work earlier, and get home earlier, even before she'd met me, but alas… it never happened. An example and proof that not even 'enlightened and advanced souls' are able to make all the changes that they want in themselves.
Part of me is a little sad and discouraged about that, and part of me actually feels a little relief. I have always felt my potential for 'greatness,' but have always also felt guilty for not accomplishing as much as I thought I was capable of. Seeing someone like G, who is so 'far ahead of me' on her spiritual path… still having difficulties with her human frailties… gives me hope that maybe I'm not as far behind her as I think I am.
7am - Started packing/ organizing Honey for our trip. This has always been a fun thing for me. I enjoy packing, whether it's for a road trip, a move, or just to organize a garage or closet. G calls it 'pattern recognition' which is part of the 'sage energy' of my personality. I see things differently than a lot of people, and it helps me in a lot of different ways.
The sage energy also has leadership abilities, which explains why I've always felt more comfortable when I'm in charge of a project. Not that I feel I need to make all the decisions… just the opposite. I like to draw on the ability and talents of others, which makes me a good leader. I am usually able to bring out the best in other people in most group settings and activities.
9am - Errands. Wells Fargo Bank; my (old) gym; and the County Building, to deal with a traffic ticket I got the day before I left the last time I was in town. The cop was a good guy, a fellow biker brother in fact, and had given me the option of getting written up for either; a) rolling thru a stop sign, or; b) passing on a double yellow line. The traffic that day had been at a standstill in my neighborhood, and instead of being patient like a good boy, I decided to drive down the street on the wrong side of the road. No one was coming, I could see all the way to the end of the next block, so I new it was safe, but… when I came to the stop sign, I glanced left… then right… and saw the bike cop at the corner, as I rolled thru the intersection going about 10 miles per hour.
I pulled over and hung my head sheepishly. He wanted to give me a break and let me go… I could tell from his expression, but he also felt his responsibility to make this a learning lesson for me. All this was unspoken, but I'm pretty good at reading people, so I thanked him for doing his job, and promised him I'd relax and not be in such a hurry. I asked him which 'penalty' he would recommend I take, and he said that they were both the same fine; points against my license; and correctable by traffic school, so… I should take the one that I expected not to get again right away.
I thought about it for awhile, and took the 'rolling thru the stop-sign.' He'd already confirmed what I'd been told several times previously, from other law enforcement officers… that most of them give motorcyclists a certain amount of lee-way when it comes to coming to a full and complete stop at a stop sign, and typically… I'm usually pretty good about doing that (almost stopping). In fact sometimes, I DO come to a full stop, and then start again… without putting my feet down.
For you non-bikers out there, you might not understand this, but often… it's as much fun to go as slow as possible, as it is to go fast.
10:30am - I met Donna at The Bayview Hotel in downtown Aptos.
We love each other as much as we ever did. It's bitter sweet… we just could never figure out how to make our relationship a totally healthy one. If I had to pick the one biggest difference in our personalities, it's that I feel the sincere need to share myself… with as many people as possible, and she feels the need to keep her life private. Plusses and minuses on both philosophies, and we respect each other's choices, but it certainly does not make for a compatible evening out. I used to 'embarrass' her to anger, when I'd involve other people in our conversations, or interact with them about theirs. She admitted… I was 'good' at it, and was amazed how I could do it, without offending or even bothering anyone.
I do consider myself an obnoxious buttinski, but I also consider myself a respectful buttinski. I can tell when someone isn't 'welcome to the intrusion,' and never push them if they don't give me the impression they want to 'play along' with me.
Donna and I are continuing to correspond, and although G hasn't made any indication that she would consider visiting me here in Texas… Donna has!
11am - I met Brian at his house.
Brian is one of my longest known and best friends. Although our personalities are extremely different, we seem to always be able to mesh together with ease and comfort. I think the main reason for this, is because we respect and maybe even envy to a certain degree… the differences in us. He's mellow, laid back, and studious. I'm always on the go, lively, and learn from experiencing things, not from reading about them (typically).
12:15pm - Made a quick stop at El Patio Grocery in La Selva Beach. I sure hope I can figure out a way to move back there someday. I know I'll end up there eventually… all three of my daughters know that I want half my ashes scattered at the mean tide line, and the other half at the Lake at Tokosaben (the property near Yosemite my parents owned from 1970 ~ 2005).
This is downtown La Selva
This is Stout Lake at Tokosaben near Yosemite
12:30pm - Went to Bev's house for a game of cribbage.
My brother Bev and I have never been what you would call 'close,' but recently we've developed a much better relationship. I think mostly it's because I'm not drunk every time he sees me. He and his wife are very loving and supportive to me, and someday I'll ask her if I can share some of our secrets with everyone. Ha ha… just kidding Bev =).
1:30pm - Went to Donnie's (my evil twin brother) for a game of cribbage.
He's not really evil. We trade that title back and forth, depending on how much beer each of us as in our system. I had to comment about his gut when I saw him. He's always 'teased' me about mine, but now… clearly… he has been more 'evil' than me lately! Kidding… look at the guy… even if he's tripled his body fat, he's gotta still be in single digits (I think I'm somewhere around 22%).
I'm trying to get him to act his age, and get a sensible motorcycle, but he's got a young girlfriend, and won't admit it, but I think he rides his sport bike to help him feel younger. Like having Amy at his side isn't enough to do that.
2pm - Watering/ weeding for G. My poor roses… she's not taking care of them and it's breaking my heart. I know she wants to, but she refuses to acknowledge her limitations, and continues to take on WAY too many responsibilities and commitments. She's working herself way too hard, and what's really sad, is that because of her choice to overload herself… all of her projects are suffering. She's going to a seminar in a few weeks, about learning to be aware of, and control the subconscious mind. I hope she is successful, and learns how to tell people, "No, I'm sorry, I cannot do that for you."
3pm - More packing and organizing with Honey. Everything is now on or in her, except the clothes I'm wearing, and the ones I'm gonna wear tomorrow!
5pm - G got home early!
6pm - I made us dinner (fajitas)... cleaned the kitchen… and…
7pm - Bed. G said it was too early for her to go to sleep. I mumbled that I didn't want to sleep, but I guess she didn't hear me.
10pm - I went upstairs to find out what she was doing that was more important than being with me on my last night, and found her playing her on-line game. Without looking up from her computer screen, she smiled and said, "Oh good, you decided to wake up." I turned around without saying a word, and went back downstairs… sad, frustrated, and very surprised that she didn't want to be with me.
11pm - G came to bed. No attempt to make love (from either of us). Sad. Very sad.
Midnight - Resting,.. not really sleeping.
Thursday, 1am - Resting.
2am - Resting.
3am - Up and at 'em.
5:00am - Took a picture of me pretending to sleep next to G. She grunted something, but didn't wake up.
5:30am - Off and away.
6:15am - Salinas. Beer and banana.
7:15am - King City. Beer and gas.

8am - Priest Valley. Beer and picture.

8:45am - Coalinga. Gas, beer, ice.
10:45am - Unfortunately, I was done with back roads for the day. I wanted to make hay my first day out, so had decided to stay on the freeways. This was gonna be the last day like that for this trip though! I went south on I-5 and then east on Hwy 56 thru Bakersfield; past Arvin; and up and over Tehachapi Pass.
12:30pm - Mojave. I had gone thru a cloud coming over the pass. It went from a drizzly wind chill of about 30 to an arid wind heat of about 95 in less than 10 miles. I had to stop to disrobe behind a metal shed. Off came the layers, and on went the sunscreen. Oh, and another beer.
1:45pm - Barstow.
2:45pm - Ludlow. Beer. Met Joe Misplay on his Orange Gold Wing. He and his buddies were on their last leg of completing the entire length of Historic Route 66. I'm gonna do that someday, hopefully it will happen in this lifetime. The picture didn't turn out, sorry.
4pm - Fenner/ Oasis. Gas, beer, ice.
5pm - Needles. I don't think I've ever been thru Needles without stopping at BK's Pepper Lounge, and after this trip, my record still stands. SHOOT. Somehow I lost the picture I took of Karla the bartendress… and she was cute too! =(.
6pm - Kingman, AZ. I made it! 630 miles in 12 ½ hours. Day 1 complete. Well almost complete. First…
6:30pm - Poolside, having my last beer for the day. Were you counting?
6:45pm - Spoke with G about our last night together. We've always had communication problems, and last night was a perfect example. She said she DID want to have sex, but thought that I was too sleepy. I asked her why she didn't ask or tell me what she wanted, and she said she was trying to be polite. F - ing hell woman… be polite about something else… when it's about sex… rude and crude can sometimes be a GOOD thing! She'll never understand my humor. Oh well. We worked it out, and things are ok now.
7pm - Dinner.
8pm - TV.
9pm - Sleep, with Honey hitched up just outside my motel room.
Friday. 2am - My neighbor at the motel came home and turned on his TV. Loud.
2:15am - I knocked on his door and got no response. Actually, that's not true. He did respond. He turned UP the volume.
2:30am - I called the motel desk clerk and then listened to my neighbor's phone ringing for about 15 minutes. He never answered… fortunately the volume didn't go up though. Maybe it was already turned up as loud as it would go. I called the clerk and said thank you for trying, and thought about asking her to move me to another room, but decided to use the experience as an opportunity to practice my 'spiritual exercises.'
3am - I succeeded, and was able to zone the TV out, and get some rest.
4am - Up and at 'em. Feeling substantially better than I looked.

5am - Packing. Morning beer.
5:30am - Off and away.

6:30am - Four miles from Seligman, and… I ran out of gas. Wow… this is a new experience. I wasn't even in Texas yet.
7am - Back on the road. If I hadn't have spent ten minutes pouting about running out of gas, I would've already had been pulling into the station up the freeway. How was I able to get going so quickly you may ask. Well, because of my previous experiences (in Texas)… I'd decided to have Honey carry an extra can of gasoline on her back. Me smart.
7:15am - After filling her tank I went directly across the road and bought a Road Kill Café t-shirt. It won't show up on a picture, so I'll tell ya 'bout it. It has the 'Historic Route 66' emblem on the front, with the name of the café, and on the back it has a (partial) menu of the food they serve. One item listed from each state the Route goes through:
Illinois - Pavement Possum "Served on a bun, this beast is awesome" Missouri - Show Me Shitzu "A hairy little treat with fuzzy little feet" Kansas - Curbside Kitty "A little bitty, bite sized kitty" Oklahoma - Airbrake Owl "It was saying 'whooo' when thru the windshield it flew" Texas - 2 Step Terrier "Step 1, we hit it, Step 2, you get it" New Mexico - Chihuahua Chili "A Southwest delight that shivers when it bites" Arizona - Grand Cnayon Cougar - "A big mountain cat, that you'll eat 'till you're fat" and finally… California - Cream-O-Kitty "Our Western version that starts out Persian"
8:00am - Ash Fork. Kellie wasn't working at the gas station mini mart that day, so I left a message for her with one of her coworkers, that I was passing thru town again, and still wanted to spend the night with her in Flagstaff some day. I was a bit sad that I'd missed her, but I was very excited that I had reached the point of my chosen route and was leaving the freeway for the rest of the day!
8:30am - Chino Valley. Breakfast at The Iron Horse Restaurant.
10am - Valle Verde.
10:15am - Pulled over and given a warning about speeding. Whew. Nice guy.
11:15am - Pine Trail trailhead. Honey wanted to go in and sit down, but I explained to her that the door was just too small for her to get in.

12:30pm - Heber. I'd heard there was supposed to be a BMW event there, but I didn't see diddle-e-dee.
1:30pm - Show Low.
2:30pm - Sunrise Ski Area.
3:45pm - Alpine! What a beautiful area. This is the Arizona that most people don't know anything about. Absolutely lovely… about 9,200' in elevation, and just as beautiful as you could imagine.
4pm - I headed south from Alpine, on Hwy 191 and encountered the most difficult part of this particular adventure. I'd 'aimed' my route directly at this road, because of its color and shape on the map. Honey and I both love little black squiggly lines. The biker lingo is 'twisties'. I had been lookin' forward to this road since I picked my route the night before. I'd gone many miles further than I needed to because of it. It was going to be a BLAST!
5:30pm - MAJOR twisties… non-stop for about 110 miles. Hwy 191. It's just what I wanted, but it was too late in the day, and two many miles. It almost won, and in a sense it did. It wore me out to the point of making my only mistake of the trip. Fortunately, it ended up turning out to be a good thing. I love it when that happens. Read on.
6:00pm - I drove right through the "Biggest Fucking Copper Mine" in the world. I 'google-earthed' it when I got to Killeen, and as I had suspected… you CAN see it from outer space. It was the end of the MAJOR twisties, and I'm sorry I was so pooped that I didn't even stop to take pictures. I just needed to find a motel.
6:30pm - Clifton. Gas & beer. No motel available, and the next town was 100 miles away. Shoot. I hate it when that happens. Riding when I'm overly tired is not a good thing.
8:30pm - Silver City, NM. Yea! A motel! That was the good news. The bad news was that when I went to call G, to let her know I was ok, I discovered my cell phone was nowhere to be found. I did what I do when things like this happen, and right away remembered. I'd set it on top of my saddlebag back in Clifton. I hoped that whoever might potentially find it, would enjoy some of the pictures of me on it. I hope it wasn't a kid, or someone with sexually conservative values or morals.
15 hours and 640 miles for the day; 1270 for the trip.
Saturday, 6am - Slept in.
6:15am - Coffee, beer, pack. Confirm route.
7:30am - Off and away.
8:30am - Emory Pass.
9:45am - Hatch. I'd been on this route before, going the other direction. I liked the stop the first time, and even more this time. I'm easily amused, so I laughed at myself when I felt 'impressed' that I remembered my way around the convenience store (they keep their beer in the opposite corner from the soda).
When I came out with my cooler full of beer and ice, I spoke with Ed, who was getting out of his truck. He was a NM State Trooper, a fellow 'brother', and after we chatted about Honey and his bike for a while, I asked him for… and he gave me… very accurate and detailed directions to the Verizon Store in Las Cruces.
11:00am - Las Cruces. As I was chatting with Corena about getting my new phone, I discovered that she was from Watsonville, the same town I was born in. I LOVE it! This Country (and World) is huge, but time and time again… I am given clear messages and examples of how small it really is.
I was eligible for an upgrade, so instead… I got a phone that was almost exactly like my old one… for FREE. I love Verizon.
11:45am - Back on line. Back on road.
1:15pm - Alamagordo. Very nice lunch (green chili chicken alfredo).
2:30pm - Sunspot; Sacramento Peak; The National Solar Observatory.
The "Tower Telescope," 136' feet above ground, and 228' below!
View overlooking White Sands, New Mexico
4:30pm - Durken. It had been a really nice road down from Sunspot, but now I was getting out of the mountains and back into the desolate high desert plains. It was only going to get flatter, hotter, and humider (I know it's not a word… I just said it to be cute).
5:30pm - Artesia, TX. Velma checked me in to my motel and I was happy. Not because of Velma… she was nice, but not in 'that' kind of a way. I was happy 'cuz I knew I'd be back home in Killeen the next day; it was going to be a fun route; the worst thing that had happened on the trip had actually turned out to be a good thing (getting a new phone); and it had been a relatively short and easy day… only 10 hours and 376 miles… and 1,646 for the trip.
6:15pm - Huge serving from salad bar; sizzling chicken & shrimp w/ green bell peppers and sweet onions… all for $10.17.
7pm - Spoke with G, happy to hear she's 'taking herself off the grid' for a few days… going to a 'spa' in Sonoma (Ca.). She REALLY needs to learn how to take care of herself. She should take lessons from me. I'm really good at making myself #1.
8pm - TV
9pm - Bed, sound sleep.
Sunday 5/23/10
4:30am - Up and at 'em.
7am - Off and away. Again… feeling much better than I looked.
7:45am - Loco Hills.
8:15am - Hobbs. No beer 'til noon. I love Texas… but I MUST learn to remember this rule, so I will plan ahead the night before.
9am - Eunice. Gas. And Jennifer (from Nashville, TN)… what a cutie!

10:45am - Tarzan (a post office and a church).
Noon - Big Spring. Gas. Food. And BEER!!
1:45pm - Robert Lee. I stripped off my leathers… and my helmet… for the first time on the trip, while Honey rested under the biggest tree I could find.

2:30pm - Bronte. Eleanor at the gas station mini-mart remembered me from 1½ years ago!. Well of COURSE she'd remember me. How many good loookin' motorcycle riders come thru town on Halloween, with a stuffed alien on the back of their bike?

As per my previous visit, I was aware that the people in this town are nice. No… not ONLY because someone remembered me, but just regular… nice folks. I love Texas.
3:30pm - Santa Anna. Getting close.
4:15pm - Brownwood. Getting closer. Honey was breathing heavy… she's getting used to the heat now, but this was her first day on the trip, and we'd been traveling through some pretty hot stuff. Well… hot based on our 'northern California coast' weather… not even close to hot by Texas standards. I think it was about 95.
5:15pm - Lometa. Closer still. And then…
6pm - KILLEEN! Home! Honey liked her new parking place I made for her…
An 11 hour and 519 mile day and a total of 2,165 for the 4 day trip.
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