DAY 10 - Sunday, November 2, 2008
I woke up to some rumblings in the kitchen around 5:30am. It was Brynn getting herself a candy bar, to adjust her blood sugar. Besides having to deal with diabetes since a young child, she has also developed rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus on top of that.
If that wasn't enough for anyone to deal with, several years ago her appendix burst, and the poisons that were released into her body are killing off her internal organs, one by one. The doctors say it will be the deterioration of her heart that will most likely be the cause of her upcoming death.
Yes, my grandniece is terminal. If it wasn't for her strength, I'd be even more of a wreck over it. She is truly an amazing person. I wasn't able to get any pictures of her that do her justice, which is a shame because she is one of the most beautiful members of my family. Right in there with Taumie, Cheri, Kaleena, Amber, Michelle, Alicia, and of course my three daughters, Kellie, Ashley and Eron. Wait a sec, that's all the girls in my family isn't it?
Although I had only gotten 5½ hours of sleep, it was a good sound sleep, and I had no problem getting myself out of bed to start the morning's harassment session. We didn't have too much time though, because it was time for Gerry to go to his church. I found out right away where his church was, and what the sermon was gonna be about. He calls going 4-wheeling his church.
It's pretty much of a ritual with him… two or three hours, out in the nearby hills… alone… feeling the spirit… almost every Sunday morning. He invited Derrick and me this particular Sunday, and we both readily accepted. I could tell from Derrick's reaction, that this was not a common occurrence. I found out later that Gerry had never invited anyone to join him before.
When we got out there we had some very nice views of the surrounding area… lots of rocks, washes, and gullies to challenge the astute and capable skills that Gerry has developed over the years. We had a great time. Praise the Lord. When we got back, the girls had a wonderful brunch prepared. Yum. Like other things this family does with gusto… eating is one of them.
After the meal Derrick got on Honey's back with me, and we took off to run some errands… cigars for Gerry… lemons for Taumie (so she could make my Mom's famous lemon cake)… and some limes, tonic, and vodka for the planned evening's activity. The strip club Derrick wanted to take me to was a b.y.o.b. establishment. I was really into it at first, but as the afternoon wore on, I settled into the couch.
While having some very deep and meaningful conversations with Taumie and her family… like if I should get a helmet for Alyson for the trip back home… I decided that even though I hardly ever got chances to see live naked women dancing, I was not in the correct frame of mind to show the girls enough appreciation to do them justice.
I was in a family mood, and wanted to spend my time doing more important things, like sitting with loving relatives who I don't get to see very often. The naked dancing girls would have to wait for another time. Sorry girls.
So it was a night of quality time with my beloved Texas family and then to bed, fast asleep by 9pm. Am I getting old, or what?
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