A little about me, and why I'm doing this.

I do enjoy sharing the circumstances and events that occur to me on my Road Trips, but mostly...

I want to share what's inside me... my emotions, my intuitions, and my dreams...

With the hope of distracting and encouraging you to think outside the box.

We all need to be distracted and encouraged once in a while, don’t we?

If this distraction also brings enjoyment or entertainment to you… It will make me happy.

I hope you decide you want to get to know me.

I hope you decide you want to get to know me.
I would love to get to know you!
My photo
San Francisco, California, United States
I'm an open minded, honest, fun loving guy, who loves sharing … my insights, my experiences, and my opinions about life... other people … and anything else that jumps into my mind when I’m in (or out of) the saddle. Spirituality-YES. Religion-NO. Sexuality-YES. Politics-NO. Humor-ALWAYS.


My Student, My Mentor, My Soulmate.


May 17, 2013


As 8am finally rolled around, I started tapping on Eron's bedroom door.  I had warned her that while I was in town, she should not expect to sleep 'til noon.  Yes, she's a typical teenager in that way.  Actually she's fairly typical in several other ways too.  Her social calendar for one thing.  It is always overflowing.  She's a very intelligent, beautiful girl.  I'm not saying this as a father, but as an honest impartial person.  God blessed me with three incredible daughters, and as I have also described Kellie and Ashley in similar detail in another one of my stories…

Eron is one of those people who other people follow.  She is a leader.  And she does it (usually) in a way that is not forceful at all.  As both her parents are, she is very self-confidant.  She will succeed at whatever she chooses to do with her life… there is no doubt about that.  She was raised as an only child, so I'm sure that has something to do with her comfort level when she's around adults, but she also seems to have the ability to get along with people of all ages, and in all situations.  She is intuitive and creative.  Eron is one of the most physically beautiful people on this planet, but she is even more beautiful on the inside.

At 10am, after tapping on her door every 30 minutes for the previous two hours, I finally opened the door, and walked to her bedside.  "Paaallleeeaase honey, let's get started with our day, we've been burning daylight for more than 4 hours already."

She has always been one of those who wakes up slowly, and if not approached carefully, might try to bite your head off if you push her too fast at the beginning of her day.  That's why I had warned her before my arrival, and had given her two hours of tapping notice.  I was planning on spending three days with her and I did not want to start my first day with her with anything but smiles.

After my (very cute and adorable) whining-plead for her to get up, she smiled and opened her eyes.  "Ok Dad, I'll get up."  She made us the best fruit smoothie I've ever had, and then we got on Honey to run some errands.

She couldn't remember the name of the tattoo parlor she wanted to go back to, for the guy to do some touching up on the black widow spider she had inked on her left breast.  It needed a 'little more red-ish orange color' in its legs.  Yes, my little angel-of-a-daughter has a wild side too.  As a father… I worry a little, but when I am able to separate myself from the position of parent, to one of an impartial bystander… I am ok with her wild side.  I put it like this:  "In the grand scheme of things, she is at least as well adjusted and mature as I am".  Not really a glowing recommendation, I am aware, but I am very confidant in all of my daughters that they have good heads on their shoulders, and will not do anything detrimental to their or anyone else's well being.  They haven't yet… I sure hope I'm not jinxing them by putting this in print.

As we were getting ready to walk into the tattoo parlor, I noticed what looked like the handle of a pistol sticking out from the pants of a guy walking in just ahead of us.  I stopped, turned, and whispered to Eron, "Look, that guy has a gun."  She smiled and said, "Yes dad, it's legal to carry here."  "Wow," I said, "We really are in the wild wild west, aren't we?"  "Yes dad, and paaallleeease don't make a big deal out of it, ok?"  Then I said, "Jeesh Eron, you'd think that you have a reason to feel that I might try to embarrass you or something," with a mischievous grin on my face.
Her eyes rolled back into her head like I'd seen them roll so many times before.  If I had a nickel for every time I've heard her say, "Ooohh da-aaad," I would have a very big pocket full of nickels.  I feel sorry for people around me sometimes.  I have a tendency to be overly dramatic and corny on occasions.  I have even been called a Drama King once or twice.  I'm ok with being corny… as long as it puts a smile on someone's face… then I'm happy.

Sure enough (not wanting to let Eron down), I went straight up to the guy with the gun.  He was heavily tatted, about 6' 2" and a very muscular 240 pounds.  He turned out to be a very nice, well-spoken gentleman, and even though I heard Eron make a heavy sigh as I walked up to him, it wasn't too long before she came up and introduced herself to him.  Neither of us is very shy.

The artist that she wanted to do her touch up wouldn't be in until that evening, so we left and had a burger at a malt shop in downtown Old Glendale.  It was one of (I'm guessing) 50 thousand burger joints in this Country with the 50's theme.  James Dean… Marilyn Monroe… Humphrey Bogart… you get the picture.  We sat outside on the sidewalk and she nibbled on a grilled cheese sandwich, while I ate one of the best burgers I've ever had.

Eron and I have always gotten along well.  She is definitely 'her father's daughter.'  Even though she's spent the last five years almost exclusively with her mom, she is still maintaining her open-mindedness and ability to allow other people to express their opinions without thinking that they are wrong, just because she may not agree with them.  I am so happy that she has some of my personality traits… but unhappy that she has other similar characteristics which are not quite as… pause… let's say, 'useful.'

Eron's mom is a good person, and a fantastic mom, but some of the differences we have are dramatic.  'Problem solving techniques,' when it comes to dealing with the curves that life throws at us once in awhile, is a good example of one of them.
Sometimes Eron and I go quite a while without saying anything at all to each other and sometimes we have to raise our hands, to get the other person to stop and take a breath.  We laugh together, we cry together, and most of all, we seem to understand each other at a very deep level.  I love being around her.  I love you Eron.

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